Password Encrypt

Password Encrypt

Encrypt Password

The encrypt module provides a robust solution for encrypting passwords with customizable rules. It ensures that passwords adhere to specific criteria, enhancing security and mitigating common vulnerabilities.


  • Customizable Rules: Define rules for password encryption, including requirements for uppercase letters, lowercase letters, special characters, and numbers.
  • Personal Information Check: Optionally prevent passwords from containing personal information such as the user's name, last name, or birth date.
  • SHA-256 Hashing: Utilizes the SHA-256 hashing algorithm for secure password encryption.
  • Error Handling: Throws descriptive errors when password validation fails, providing detailed feedback for improved debugging.
  • Easy Integration: Seamlessly integrate the encryptPassword function into your Node.js applications to enhance password security effortlessly.


const { encrypt } = require('apiutils.js');
const plainTextPassword = 'myP@ssword123';
const rules = {
    uppercase: true,
    lowercase: true,
    specialCharacters: true,
    numbers: true,
    containsPersonalInfo: true,
    personalInfo: {
        name: 'John',
        last_name: 'Doe',
        born_date: '1990-01-01'
try {
    const hashedPassword = encrypt(plainTextPassword, rules);
    console.log('Hashed Password:', hashedPassword);
} catch (error) {
    console.error('Error:', error.message);


  • plain_text (string): The password to encrypt.
  • rules (object): An object containing rules for password encryption.
    • uppercase (boolean): Whether the password must contain at least one uppercase letter (default: true).
    • lowercase (boolean): Whether the password must contain at least one lowercase letter (default: true).
    • specialCharacters (boolean): Whether the password must contain at least one special character (default: true).
    • numbers (boolean): Whether the password must contain at least one number (default: true).
    • containsPersonalInfo (boolean): Whether the password must not contain any personal information (default: true).
    • personalInfo (object): An object containing personal information to avoid in the password (required if containsPersonalInfo is true).
      • name (string): The user's first name.
      • last_name (string): The user's last name.
      • born_date (string): The user's birth date.

Return Value

  • Returns the hashed password as a string.


  • Throws an error if the password does not meet the specified criteria or contains personal information.